Digital Celebrity Portraits

These vector images are painstakingly created using Adobe Illustrator’s gradient meshes. They are the ultimate in smoothness and definition. You can print them at any size without losing detail.

Digital portrait of Angelina Jolie by Dane Ikin
Angelina Jolie
Digital portrait of Drake by Dane Ikin
Digital portrait of Selena Gomez by Dane Ikin
Selena Gomez
Digital portrait of Darth Vader
Darth Vader
Digital portrait of Natalie Portman
Natalie Portman
Digital portrait of Dylan O'Brien by Dane Ikin
Dylan O’Brien
Digital portrait of Emma Watson
Emma Watson
Digital portrait of Tom Cruise by Dane Ikin
Tom Cruise
Digital portrait of Avril Lavigne by Dane Ikin
Avril Lavigne
Digital portrait of Clint Eastwood
Clint Eastwood